left the old one, starting a new one.... (cross-posting from multiply...so don't think nobody read this!haha)

A new blog, a new me! (hopefully haha)

It's gone!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009 by cArLo

My ID is gone! errr...well, not in a bad way. I surrendere it yesterday afternoon while accomplishing the clearance form and exit interview form. Before leaving the house I had this hunch that it's going to be taken, so good thing I took a picture of it hehehe.

And why did I take a picture of it?
1) It's the ID of my first job ever.
2) I like my picture there. I never had an ID with a good picture on it, and for me this is one of the best ID pics I had.
3) As a remembrance.

Here it is:

*sigh* *sob* goodbye ID! hehe

Filed under having  

